Scapegoating solar not the solution to our network challenges
[A shorter version of this article was published in The Mercury on 20 August 2014] It is extremely disappointing to see the new head of TasNetworks trotting out the usual anti-solar messages (The Mercury 14 August). Contrary to what is often presented in the mass media, solar PV is not predominantly owned by the wealthy and is not cross subsidised by the poor. In fact the lowest income LGA in Tasmania (Tasman) has more than twice as...
33% Solar tariff drop highlights flawed approach of the Economic Regulator
The Tasmanian Economic Regulator has dropped the feed-in tariff (FiT) for solar customers who signed up after 30 August 2013 from 8.282c to 5.551c effective from 1 July 2014. This 33% reduction highlights the unfairness of the methodology used by the Economic Regulator to calculate the benefits of exported solar electricity. Solar owners are being paid less than 6c for electricity that is then resold by Aurora to their neighbours for...
TREA submission to the RET Review
Read the TREA Submission to the RET Review. The main points in our submission are: The solar PV industry provides direct employment for over 450 Tasmanians. These jobs are skilled, permanent jobs and provide employment in rural as well as urban areas. Distributed renewable energy projects in Tasmania (including solar PV, wind and small hydro): reduce electricity costs for households and businesses, can provide a valuable source of...